FAQs For Branches


Q-1 – Is there any obligation to run a school by society or an individual can also do this?
Ans. – Yes, you should be running the school under a non-profit trust with minimum 2 members or society with minimum 7 members.

Q-2 – Does a trust or society want to run the school also need to hold experience in the education field?
Ans. – No, you do not need to have prior experience because the same will be provided by our training and support programmes.

Q-3 – I am already running a school but I wish to convert it into Doon Public School to attain maximum benefits of your brand, system, etc. – is this possible?
Ans. Of course, this is really a rewarding decision that you want to come with DOON which has already become a brand in Indian Education Segment.

Q-1 – We have shortage of fund. Will we get any kind of support regarding fund from your side?
Ans. No, we do not make available funding from our side. However, we have tie-ups with several financial institutions. The rate of interest will be decided by financial agency only.

Q-2 – Let me know the investment amount.
It is decided by potential area you have, the number of students you want to target and fee structured you have planned. On basis of your plan, we make calculation that how much amount you would need to invest. You also have to invest a certain amount in advertising as well as for working capital for some years.

Q- 3 – There are large cost variations, why?
Ans. It varies area wise. Different areas have different characteristics and considering this, there may be large cost variations too. The exact amount can be decided only after a proper market study.

Q-4 -We do not have sufficient investment to start on the school. Can we start with low investment in the beginning and will arrange further investment as soon as we get good response.
No, this is not possible. You must have proper infrastructure to begin a Doon Public School. We do want to see people dissatisfied with our brand image. Before you begin to educate children under Doon’s brand name, you must have education standard parallel to predefined standards.

Q- 5- Is there any kind of hidden cost?
Ans. Not at all, we work with transparent policies and there is absolutely no hidden cost.

Absolutely not, we have transparent policies and there is no hidden cost.

Q-6- What Franchise fee has to be paid? Is any part of the fee refundable?
Ans. Fee paid for franchise is non refundable and consists of 2 parts – an initial license fee and an ongoing royalty (which is a percentage of your revenue).

The Franchise fee is non refundable and consists of 2 parts – an initial license fee and an ongoing royalty (which is a percentage of your revenue).

Q-7- When license fee is to be paid?
And. The fee is to be paid at the time of signing the agreement.

The license fee is to be paid at the time of signing of agreement.

Q- 8 -Will the royalty be paid on revenue or net income? Also, let us know frequency of payments
Ans. Royalty is to be paid on revenue and is paid to Doon.

Q-9- What is a perfect location to for Doon Public School?
Ans. The branch can be set at any location which is easily accessible by students. Other criteria like visibility, neighbourhood, lease rental to be paid (if leased), competition etc. also equally effect the selection of location.

Q-10 Would you provide us assistance in finding out a appropriate place to start the school?
Ans. As soon as the agreement is signed, our site selection professionals will work with you as well as local agents, contractors or developer, to evaluate the site, etc.

Q-11 How much and what type of space is required?
Ans. You can use Residential, Agricultural, Institutional or Commercial land if allowed by local authority to begin the school.

Q-12, Is it compulsory that the land should be owned or we can use rented land?
Ans. There is no compulsion like that and you can also use leased land as well. However, the lease has to be irrevocable and for 30 years

Q-13. Would you provide us support in constructing the infrastructure such as building, etc.?
Ans. We would make available architect plan and all construction work should be completed as per given specifications

Q-14. Do we require obtaining licence to run the school? How can our school get recognition from CBSE?
Ans. Yes, to run the school, you should have recognition from the state government and affiliation from CBSE. We may also guide you through the process.

Q-15 How long will it take to open a school?
Ans. It entidata-fancyboxy depends on the availability of resources which include building, school infrastructure, equipments, furniture and allied materials. As soon as you set everything, you are ready to open a school

Teachers & Training
Q-1… Will you arrange qualified teachers? What would be the salary and remunerations of the staff?
Ans. The quality of education truly matters and apart from best of the facilities, the quality can only be brought by quailed teachers. Hence, our professionals will personally help you for arranging qualified teachers and other staff members. Our people will supervise you to get best possible talent in your team of teachers. As far as salary is concerned, it is entidata-fancyboxy based on local market but no case will be below than preset scales of government or/and CBSE.

Q-2… How will I learn to run my school?
And. Besides providing manuals which have full details, we have also prepared training programmes with proper practical experience. These programmes help you run your school. On annual basis, we will also host conference which gives you opportunity to discuss your issue with associates in our chain.

Q-3… Please let us know the training cost.
Initial Training Cost is already included with the License Fee. Items not covered are own travel, accommodation and food expenses. Additional trainings will be chargeable.

Does Doon make available study materials, books, uniform, etc.?
Ans. Yes, we provide everything. We have our own suppliers and you have to buy the prescribed books and uniforms etc .from them only. However, if your local suppliers are cheaper than ours, then you are free to have all stuffs from them too.

Q- How much time I need to spent for the school as a franchisee?
Ans. It depends on you. You will need to recruit and manage your staff, monitor finance and look after admin work too.

Q- Is a franchisee allowed to offer additional services including sports coaching, tuitions, and hobby classes?
Ans. We have right to provide approval for additional services you are wising to offer apart from education. It also depends on availability of space, infrastructure, etc.

Q- Please let us know the fee that will be charged from parents?
Our fee structure is made of Registration Fee, Admission Fee, Annual Charges, and Monthly Fee. There is no fix fee structure as there are a number of factors which can affect fee structure.

Q- How much will it cost per month to run such a school?
The cost will be an accumulated amount of teachers’ salary, salaries of other staff members such as Principal, Drivers, Attendants Etc, Security Guards, Administration, Accounts, Telephone Bills, Electricity Bills, Property Tax, Maintenance of Building, and Marketing & Advertisement Expense.

Q- How many students a franchisee of your school can expect?
Ans. This entidata-fancyboxy depends on you and your infrastructure, you capability, competition, investment, site location, size, you local market, advertising, promotion of school, etc.

Q – Who will be responsible to sign agreement from our side?
The chairmen of society/trust will the sign agreement. You are also required to present a signed copy of your resolution that agrees your association with us.

Q- Is there any obligation of agreement if I don’t want to continue after the period of signing agreement?
And. In such as case, you can no longer go with our brand name, our school systems, syllabus, system, etc.

Q – How long is the term of a Franchise Agreement?
Ans. After the signing of agreement, you are required to get it renewed after 30 years.

Q – Does Doon offer a master franchise or you only have unit franchise?
Ans. Yes we do give unit as well as master franchise.

Q. Can we begin more than one franchise?
Ans. Yes you can but we advise you to do so after 6 months. This is why because you are supposed to give all your efforts to kick start the first one.